AGM Congregational Meeting

Join us for our congregational meeting in-person OR on Zoom on Tuesday, March 11th!

Meeting details:

TUESDAY, March. 11th, 7:00 PM

We are having our regularly scheduled congregational meeting on Tuesday, March 11th and we encourage all members and adherents to attend! You can attend this meeting in-person OR over Zoom.

  • Please arrive or sign into the meeting approx. 10 minutes early so we can ensure that we have quorum
  • Join the Zoom meeting by clicking this link or entering these meeting details:
  • Meeting ID: 776 169 4382
  • Passcode: chbc
  • If joining by Zoom your microphone will be muted. Please keep it muted so we can run an orderly meeting. If at any time you have a question, alert us in the chat room and we'll acknowledge your question. More direction will be given at the meeting.

Meeting documents

Click the tab below to view the meeting Agenda.

Click the tab below to view the previous minutes

If you have have questions or any other business to add to the agenda contact our church moderator, Duncan Jacob.

Thank you, we hope to see you there!

"The grace of the Lord Jesus Christ be with your spirit." --Philemon 25