Sunday morning service Starting at 10:00 am Join Us

Men's ministry

Explore the opportunities for men at CHBC

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Men's ministry at CHBC

Join us for a study of the first book of Peter: Living as light in darkness.

As a follower of Jesus, do you find the closer you walk Jesus, the more hostile and darker our world seems to grow? Perhaps you feel like a stranger in this world?

Feeling like a “stranger” in this world is nothing new to God’s people. In fact, 1 Peter says of God’s people when they live for Christ they relate to this world as “exiles”, “strangers”, “foreigners”. Yet, Peter says God’s people are “a chosen people, a royal priesthood, a people belonging to God…called out of darkness into his wonderful light.” (1 Pet 2:9)

We are “called out” of this dark world, and as we fellowship with God and find our rest in Him, we exist as exiles and strangers in a world that can be very hostile to God’s chosen people.

Come join us in a Bible study as we look at 1 Peter. The message was how to live as light even when suffering as believers in a dark world. Living as light in darkness is what 1 Peter is all about. Each Wednesday at 7 pm Pastor Bob Reid or David Bandurak will make their way through this book. If you wish to join the study, please contact David Bandurak.

The lesson is on Zoom.

To join use this link and the details below. 

Meeting ID: 851 4834 To 7299

Passcode: chbc

Have questions?

To find out more about a schedule of events or ask questions, contact the Men's Ministry leader Dave Bandurak. Staying connected with other men at CHBC can be difficult, and guys are often looking for help with a project, a prayer request or inviting others to smaller informal events that are spontaneous and not advertised to the entire church.

To get “in the know” and stay there add yourself to the CHBC Men's Ministry Basecamp messaging app by clicking here and stay connected.