
Supporting God's mission locally, in Canada, and across the world.

Missions at CHBC

College Heights Baptist Church places a high priority on supporting individuals called by God to serve in missions locally, in Canada, and internationally. These missionaries are prayerfully and financially supported by our church family. As well as the missionaries listed below, we also support others who serve in sensitive areas that cannot be shown.

Short-term mission trips are one way that we can connect with the missionaries that we support. Travelling to their area and assisting with their ministry provides extra workers that are often needed and welcomed. Serving on these trips gives the CHBC family an opportunity to discover and experience missions. If a trip is being organized, we will provide information at that time.

Another opportunity for serving short term is at the Camp Ministries that we support, especially at our local Ness Lake Bible Camp. Many youth and young adults from CHBC serve there during the summer in various positions. Check out the links to see if one of these camps could be a place for you to discover more about missions!

If you have any questions about the Missions Ministry at CHBC, please contact us any time!

Missionaries we support

Local missions

Ness Lake Bible camp

Dave Horton: Executive Director

William Teichroeb: Maintenance Assistant

Dayna Penson: Program Director

Gabriel Penson: Facilities Assistant

Jonah Holmes: Year Round Crew

Youth for christ - Prince George

Jason Cook •Executive Director, Youth For Christ Prince George

Priscilla Mueller, Youth Outreach Worker, Youth For Christ Prince George

Betty Andrews • Child Evangelism Fellowship

Canadian missions

Andrew Milton • Roseau River Bible Camp

International missions

Dominic Villeneuve • Mission Aviation Fellowship

Christiane Horton • SIM Engage Program

ENGAGE is a pilot program that receives missionaries from the Majority World to serve with churches in need in the UK. Christiane’s main role with SIM UK is serving this group. She helps them to arrive and settle into the UK (figuring out things like transportation, money, schooling, and health care) and leads an ongoing orientation, training, and community effort while they are here (dealing with ministry, culture, missions, etc.). Christiane is the main point person for these missionaries on the SIM side and her role is vital in seeing that the issues of living in a new, unfamiliar country do not impede their ability to do the work that they came to do.  

Paul & Tanya Gericke • Camp Falcon Rock, Romania

Vern & Gloria Wagner Camp Falcon Rock, Romania

Lyndell Campbell-Réquia • Brazil

Chain of Love Homes, Brazil